Nov. 13, 2023

227. Broken Car, Open Heart {LC's Journey 30}

227. Broken Car, Open Heart {LC's Journey 30}
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100 Ways

Colorado will break your car but open your heart. #worthit

Also, it's okay if people misinterpret your kind and conscienscious way of being. You can still hold them boundaries!

"Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night.
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay

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I am finding myself, not sure how much and what stories to tell, because they're very personal stories. And I don't know if anybody cares actually, probably. Probably no one really cares. So, what do I want to share about Colorado? Well, I think I need to talk to Sandy. We needed to talk to Sandy. Because the two of us together will have more wisdom to share than just me. Seeing things about going to red rocks for a rock show and. staying up all night, my last night there to play music and listen and hang out on a mountain and just be. It's not all that exciting. Nothing is really, I definitely want to share with you some phrases. That we all shared. During our time there. When I say we all, I mean, Sandy, myself and the guy And that will be a better conversation when Sandy, Sarah. So I'm going to leave Colorado now. But it's not without. Challenge. It's almost like Fort Collins. Didn't want me to leave. I just like to think that. The reality is. It was time to go. It was definitely time to go. I could not sustain that. Kind of living for more than a week. So I get in my car at 4:00 PM. On a Friday. Because I'd stayed up all night. The last night in Colorado, once asleep at like 8:00 AM. Didn't sleep much, took a nap from three to four and I'm like, okay, I need to go now. So I get in my car. Fort Collins is one hour north of Denver. I start driving south a hundred degrees, hot, dry. Altitude. My car is not conditioned for this. It's not built for this. It wasn't made for this. My car. Was in Hawaii. Where, yeah, there are mountains and they're beautiful and majestic, but they start at zero feet, not 5,000. Anyhow. My car was idling a lot through Denver. And I could tell she was not happy about it at all. But we made it through Denver. I'm driving south. Everything's feeling fine. Everything's good. And then all of a sudden, every single light on my dashboard comes on. Right. As I met the last exit for Colorado Springs. I'm like, all right. Pulling off here. I'm like are still driving, but it's telling me it's not wanting to. I ended up going to a Walmart, I think to see if I can get some oil for my car. And that was not the problem. I frantically called several places and one guy could get me in. He was kind of a creep. He was hitting on me. Which is annoying after I connected with him because he lived in Maui for awhile. You know, it's really interesting. Like, dude, just because a girl is nice to you doesn't mean she wants you in her bed. Some of us are just. Kind people that are genuinely interested in other people. And I'm not going to turn that off just because some men think that that's an invitation into their bed. Or an invitation into my bed. Whatever anyways. This guy fixed my car. So he says for like 2,700 bucks or something like that. But like whatever I need my car. So I drive south the next morning. Or the next afternoon, I guess, too. New Mexico. So I can meet my boss. And. Kind of see where Kundalini yoga. Took root. Yeah, it was cool. I don't really like New Mexico at all. It's way too hot and way too dry. But we can talk about that another time. Suffice it to say, I left Colorado with a very broken car and a very open heart and mind and body and spirit. It was absolutely. Absolutely lovely. And I wouldn't trade it in for the world and I can't wait to go back. We'll see when that happens. Buy me a coffee for the road. You can go to buy me a series zero ways and show your support there. Thank you so much for being here. I appreciate you and all the ways until next time. I'm sending all the love. And then some more. We'll talk tomorrow.