March 1, 2024

284. Tarot Card for March: 5 of Wands

284. Tarot Card for March: 5 of Wands
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100 Ways

Feeling scattered? This is an invitation to call your energy back from all the places it may have gone... and focus. 

The Moon was February's card, and it may have instigated anxiety surrounding fears and big dreams. March will be hectic unless you can recollect your energy, regulate your nervous system, and move only when moved.

"Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night.
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay

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Hello and welcome it is time to grab that Kim Kranz, taro duck again, the wild unknown taro. And reflect on February. It was leap year. How was your long. And still short. February this year. The card was the moon. And I encourage you to go back and listen to the taro card for February the moon episode, which I believe is 2 82. And how'd you deal with vivid dreams and fears. Did you experience anxiety? Did you experience self-doubt? Did you experience the feeling of losing your way or having lost your way? And a house of mirrors, not many. Options, but all the options. Very interesting. Go back. And, uh, find out what the moon. Revealed to you in February. And now for March. And I lit a candle for us this time, too. It's called ocean dreams and it's from wild soul river. They make. Their own candles there. It's beautiful. It's a little shop with urbalism and taro and other spiritual things. In Williamstown, Massachusetts, which is just south of where I am in Bennington, Vermont. Ooh. Ooh, we got the five. Of Juan's. Five of one. Let's see what this is going to reveal to us. For. March. Scattered. Lack of focus lost. This is an invitation. To re group. Your. Sticks. Your wands. It's a card of conflict. You may find yourself scattered and distracted, tending to everything and nothing. Since wants to deal with our dreams and goals. Our spiritual. Side. It usually means this conflict resides within. Your energy movement moves outward in many directions. Yet you are suffering inside. Take this card as a warning. Find ways to bring calm and focused to your mind. Are these troubles will only increase. Okay. We were dealing with our dreams and fears last month in a pretty big way. And now. This card is. I don't know if I want to call it a warning, but it is. A reminder. Too. 10. To our own. Garden. And be the keeper of our own fire gather back our energy from all the places we may have been scattering. It. Get home. In ourselves. So that we can better focus on the tasks at hand. It is a very, very difficult to focus on tasks at hand. When we think. That having them completed is going to stop the anxiety within us. It is. Much more productive. To drop the tasks. Do what we need to do to come home to ourselves. Bring all of our energy back into our body, get our minds away from thinking about all those future things. And terrors. And fears. And dreams that we have no idea how we're going to accomplish. Rein it in, bring it back to self. Regulate. The nervous system. Breathe. Be still. Nothing really, really matters. All that much. Breathe. Be still. Gather your energy. Come home. Uh, no. The way. We'll open. And whatever tasks you need to do. We'll be much easier to accomplish. Because you're not coming from a place of, oh my God, I have to do this task. I am. Freaking out. And anxious because this task isn't done. And once this task gets done, now I'm going to be not anxious anymore. It's a lot easier to move through life with a regulated nervous system. Than to think that we need to accomplish all these tasks, because once we accomplish all these tasks, then. Our nervous system will be regulated. That's not how it works. We regulate the nervous system. And then we let life flow. And then we flow through life. That's what this card. Is an invitation to do. So make it a practice every day, come home, come home, come home. You are home in yourself no matter where you are. I promise. Yes, let's come home in March. It's spring. Almost. And, uh, It's time to start moving, but trust me. It's a lot easier to move when we're already regulated. Uh, until soon. I'm sending you. All the love. And then somewhere. We'll talk again.