Jan. 10, 2024

275. {Rune Series 23} Dagaz: Complete (as in Whole)

275. {Rune Series 23} Dagaz: Complete (as in Whole)
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100 Ways

Dagaz is the 23rd rune in the Elder Futhark and means Day - it symbolizes "complete" - as in "whole." Integration, sacred inner union, full embodiment. This rune is the one tattooed on my back, so if I have a favorite of all my favorites - this is it.

"Everything is right the way it is right now," is a quote by Jared, who texted that to me one night.
Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi from Pixabay

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Okay. I know I said that the last room Anglos. It was my favorite out of my 24 favorite rooms. This one is actually tattooed on my back. So maybe. It breaks the tie a little bit, but just a smidge. Doggos. means hole. Complete full. Like fully integrated. And our marriage inner sacred union. Here's what I wrote. Day number one. Doggos means day. And it is such a joining of forces that it represents the full integration of self. The energy of opposites becoming one, and yet remaining two and creating three. Through the joining, it becomes this full integration of self. Doggos is the full integration. Of self. Day two. The union happens inside you. Everything does. There may be two people, but the union happens inside of each individual. The integration is an insight occurrence. Though the reflection is the catalyst. Two integrated people make for a partnership in which each is contained and free. Day number three. You can not bring opposites together. Opposites are inherent in each other. You can't blend them. They are blended already. You can become aware of this. You can accept this as a natural aspect of life. You can stop pretending it is on true. And you can stop trying to deny one side. That is integration. Opposites are already integrated. The acceptance of this feels like an integration within self. Day four. Quote, unquote, other is you. Everything is a mirror. What you love and another, you love as potential in you. What you hate and another, you feel shame around in you. Fear is a disbelief in your inherent wholeness. You have never been broken or incomplete. The mind makes this belief. Not all beliefs are true. Day five. Relationships show you where there is love. And attachment. It is nearly impossible for there to be only one or the other. There are levels of both, but the recognition of what is love and what is attachment is a point of immense growth. Where there is attachment. There is an opportunity for reconciliation within the self. The number six. Doggos is the perpetual. What the fuck. Hm. Doggos is the perpetual, you know, I forget. I don't know what one of these words is, and it's bugging me. Okay. Uh, Doggos is the perpetual something that I can't read. Infinite, always completing, always beginning, always becoming. Infinite. Any guesses on what that word is. It appears to have maybe a Y in it. Maybe an E. I don't know. It's a short word. And it does not look like a word. So anyways. the perpetual infinite. Day seven. Every moment is contained in itself. It is not the moments, but the stories which cause pain. Day eight every day is a complete cycle. The day begins when the sun sets each day. As a death arrest or rebirth and experience. This too, is every life. Every day as they complete life. Dane number nine. There is nothing that is not complete in itself. It is only the stories we tell that make it on. True. The heart is the organ of integration. It is a closed loop. The heart and the loop is finite, but what it moves is infinite. This is complete. is the 23rd room. However, some place that as the 24th, because it means completion. Aye. Used to do that. But now it really resonates with me to keep it as the 23rd rune and let, oh, follow the next one, which we'll hear about next week. B number 24. And I will expand on all of that. And a bonus episode. The following week. Until next time. Please join in the conversation at Laura Christina, us. Kim book yourself a session you can support the show. You can simply share your thoughts. I love it all. Until next time I'm sending all the love and then somewhere. We'll talk again.