Sept. 20, 2023

173. {Rune Series 7} Gebo - Gift

173. {Rune Series 7} Gebo - Gift
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100 Ways

What you give you receive - but maybe not in the way you thought. What gifts of wisdom does Gebo have for you?

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Welcome to 100 Ways. This is your daily exploration of self and soul. I'm your host and fellow explorer, Laura Christine. Let's dive in and find our way home. Gabriel was one of my favorite rooms to see in a reading or in. Nature anywhere and everywhere. It's the shape of the letter X It's definition is gift. However, I see Gabriel as a hug. Uh, giving and a receiving a reciprocal energy. Gifts are received. How are however they're received and then they're reflected back. And the same energy. From which they were given. It's not about giving gifts. It's about giving. Yourself. As a gift. And not as a need. Or a bargain. Or a quid pro quo or an attachment that's about. How are you giving right now? And is that the energy you want to come back to you? Day number one for Gable. When we stray from our center, we automatically stray from the center of the other. There's then a gap we must close in some way or move on without having fully connected. There's a disconnect, uh, not quite whole nest and these exchanges. And both feel a little empty for it. Okay. So what I'm talking about about there is when we say yes, To things that we want to say no to. Or we give a gift with an expectation. There's a gap and it needs to be filled. And either it's going to be fold with something probably that we don't want it to be filled with, or we're going to leave that exchange. And feel a little sticky or icky or empty. Afterwards. Day two. It feels good to do nice things for other people. Without attachment. The gift received. Forgiving is a good feeling. Demanding a return causes strife. A gift given is returned knowing this and giving freely is the greatest gift. Day number three. Oh, yes. Gabe, who was also a little bit of a sexual rune. it can signify sexual energy exchange as well. So that's what came through on day three. Sex always creates a third entity and you can assess the constitution of this third entity based on how the woman feels. After the hormones subside. You know, if you are creating a strength or weakness this way, so two cannot be discerned by how each party feels going in. As it desire for an expansion of consciousness. Love openness. True upliftment. Or to let off some steam and feel the hormonal effects. Sex indeed creates every time. Be mindful of what. By the way, the more quote unquote enlightened one is going in. The lighter the woman will feel after. The sacred exchange. The butter both will feel. Again, this is my own very personal meditation. So please take this into your own personal space. And use the energies. But not just the words, but the energies of the words. Just take it into your space and use it as it is. But those again is my personal. Meditation. So it's going to be personal to me. Day number four. Gable was all about balance. That's why a gift given requires a gift to be returned. Like at least in the Midwest. If you receive baked goods on a plate, you return the plate with baked goods on it. This causes all sorts of grief. Because giving expects to be given to, but this doesn't always happen the way we want. It always happens consciously or not, but giving with an expectation of how something is returned as a recipe for disappointment. So this goes back to what I said in the beginning. Every time we give, we do receive. And sometimes we receive. In a way that we don't want, sometimes we receive nothing back and that in itself is some thing. Day number five. Gabriel was at the heart. This is the true place of exchange. Day number six. There's a meeting of opposites, even the most opposite things have a meeting point. Even if that meeting point is that they exist. Or don't exist or the idea of them exists. There is an exchange of information. Anytime opposites are met, anytime anything is So is its opposite. What you give returns? Day number seven. This is really at the heart. If a life doesn't have a balanced exchange, the heart will suffer. Also possibly to probably the lungs. If there are heart issues. Is there an over-giving or overtaking? Too rigid, too soft. Any of the dualities. Is there a balance? How does one, re-ignite the balance? Reignite level might be a better word. But re-ignite might be necessary. I'll just let you sit with that one for a second. I'm not sure I even understand it. Sometimes words don't do energy justice at all. Day number eight, every exchange is a gift. If I am giving this virus a place to live right now, what is the exchange? A space to be still. An excuse, not to force things. Still, I need an excuse. Uh, reason. To not work at anything and let the universe have its way. Imagine that. The universe received my order. And all I've got to do is patiently await the appointed time, derive up. And voila. Delivered right into my chariot. I love it. Dane number nine. You gotta be open exchange. Can't happen in a closed circuit. It's just the same energy going back and forth. Open to the new and the old can be exchanged. No opening. No change. Gabriel gift. What did you pull from that? What struck the most harmonious chord? What stuck out to you? Either because you totally resonated with it. Or you totally disagreed with it or felt chaos around it. Let me know, you'll know how to reach me after the music starts. I go to buy me a 1 0, 0 ways to either book yourself a reading with runes or simply a coaching session with me. you can also make a contribution to 100 ways podcast. And until next time I'm sending all the love. And then some more. We'll talk tomorrow. Thank you for exploring with me today. I would love to continue this conversation with you. We can do that at laurachristine. us. You'll find contact in the menu or you can go to laurachristine. us slash contact and you'll be taken right to it. Let's dive in a little deeper and see how fully we can flow with the duh.